Botox, the popular cosmetic procedure that reduces the appearance of many wrinkles, particularly those on the face, does so without using surgery. This aspect of the procedure makes it very attractive to those people who are concerned about those fine, and not so fine, wrinkles on their face but who do not want to undertake the risks involved in surgical procedure. Botox has other uses, besides the well known cosmetic ones. These include treating migraines, excessive perspiration and incontinence.
First approved by the FDA for use on human volunteers in 1978, the popularity of botulinum toxin skyrocketed when its wrinkle reducing uses were discovered. Today, the average age of a person who uses Botox is between 40 and 59. Due to this demand, Botox training for doctors can be just what a beginning cosmetic dermatologist needs to jump start their career. It can also be used to bring added value and reputation to a practice that is already established.
Botox training is best obtained in a hands on environment that is coupled with book learning. In this manner, doctors are able to obtain a firm base of knowledge while also being able to apply the techniques they have learned. They are also able to perfect their techniques as they practice more and more when they learn with hands on Botox training.
With this hands on environment, doctors are able to get top notch Botox training from skilled doctors in the industry. These doctors are up to date on the latest techniques in the field of Botox. As such, they are then able to pass those skills on to other doctors in the form of hands on Botox training. Training of this nature allows cosmetic surgeons to offer another valuable service to their patients who come to them with concerns about wrinkles.