You might not know it, but, in the United States alone, there are about 6800 urgent care center, many of which are located in free standing buildings. According to a survey conducted by the Urgent Care Association of America, about 57 percent of patients wait 15 minutes or less to be seen, and roughly 80 percent of all visits take one hour or less. Almost 2 thirds of urgent care centers employ a mix of nurse practitioners or physician assistants, and physicians. About 65 percent of centers have at least one physician on site at all times. In an average year, between 5 and 20 percent of Americans experience the flu each year, and emergency room visits now number at about 110 million per year.
If you have a medical issue that needs attention, but it is less urgent than the kind that would require an emergency room visit, you should visit a Denver health clinic such as urgent care denver. Denver urgent care centers offer a walk in clinic Denver residents are looking for, and STD testing Denver medical specialists offer. You can save a lot of money, and keep from using valuable medical resources by visiting urgent care cherry creek instead of going to an emergency room. The average emergency room visit costs much, much more than the average visit to centers for urgent care Denver residents have available to them.
Before you head to the emergency room for minor illness or injury, stop and think; you might be able to get much faster, more affordable, and equally effective and appropriate care at a center for urgent care Denver residents can visit. Make sure that you know where the centers for urgent care Denver has to offer are located, so that, when the time comes, you will not have to waste time searching for them. For more about this, go here: doctorsexpresscherrycreek.com