Hair tends to start slowly. You might not even have time to notice the thickening piles of follicles collecting in your shower drain every morning before the process is already well underway. For men with chronic hair loss issues, those follicles tend to be shed at alarming rates — sometimes as high as 100 per day.
What’s even more disconcerting is how a man might lose 50% of his hair before he even begins to realize it in the mirror. Luckily, the current medical landscape is full of treatment options for men who want to improve the way their scalps look. Curious to know about the leading restoration options today? We’ve put together this list discussing three of the most popular, beginning with…
1. Hair Transplantation
This particular form of hair restoration for men is exactly as its name suggests. Doctors will take a fuller patch of hair (usually located on the back of the head) and mine it for healthy follicles. Through a bit of relocation, the full hair gets transplanted to the front of the head in a method that’s most often used to treat male pattern baldness. Transplantation is accomplished through surgery, though it’s considered to be only minimally invasive (and highly effective).
2. Scalp Pigmentation Treatment
Also known as a “hair tattoo,” this particular option requires a few trips to a specialist where your scalp goes under the needle to get inked up. Using a special blend of pigmentation and natural colors, technicians effectively tattoo a permanent buzz cut on your head. Scalp pigmentation treatment originated in the United Kingdom but has now made its way to both sides of the Atlantic. To see why, just do a quick image search for “hair tattoo.” The results tend to speak for themselves.
3. Hair Treatment Medications
Unlike hair tattoos, certain medications can actually play a large role in arresting the actual follicle loss process along the scalp. The two most commonly administered medications — Propecia and Rogaine — attempt to do exactly this at the cellular level. Propecia aims to reduce DHT in the body, an androgen that causes lower testosterone and eventually hair loss, and Rogaine can even lead to a bit of hair regrowth with regular use.
No matter which option your doctor recommends, you might be in luck when it comes to dealing with impending baldness. There’s really never been a better time for baldness treatments than right now. Contact your doctor to find out why. Good refereneces: www.scalp-aesthetics.com