Your child is getting bigger and stronger by the day and you’ve started to notice that their baby teeth are starting to poke through their gums. This is an exciting moment for both of you, but it is also an important moment. You need to start your dentist search soon and look for a dentist for children.
What is a pediatric dentist? A pediatric dentist is a dentist for children; they specialize in infant to adolescent-aged patients and are specialists in jaw and tooth growth during this stage of life.
A dentist for children is well-versed in childhood and adolescent psychology and will know how to properly handle and treat infants, children, and teens in the family dentist office.
Benefits of general family dentistry: A dentist for children can help you and your child prevent cavities, tooth loss, tooth decay, and gum disease (along with other oral hygiene issues). Tooth decay is four times more common (15%) than asthma in those aged 14 to 17 years, so it is important that children learn when they are young good dental hygiene habits.
Gum disease is one of the most common causes of tooth loss among adults, but it has also been seen in young children who are often exposed to too many sugary drinks. A dentist for children will help a child establish a routine brushing regimen that they can follow at home.
Baby bottle tooth decay is one such oral health issue. An estimated 28% of people 35 to 44 years old and nearly 18% of those 65 and older have untreated tooth decay. The statistics of infants suffering from tooth decay is unknown, but the reported number of cases is on the rise.
This condition is also called childhood caries, nursing caries, and nursing bottle syndrome. It occurs when your infant’s teeth are constantly exposed to the sugars in liquid carbohydrates (fruit juice, milk, formula, etc.). These sugars eventually wear down the enamel of the tooth, causing cavities and eventually tooth decay if left untreated.
Decaying teeth can cause serious pain and make it very difficult for your child to chew and eat. If the baby teeth start to decay before it is time for them to fall out, the adult teeth will not have a guide to help them push through the gumline, which can often cause crooked teeth or crowding in the mouth once the adult teeth start to come in.
Use a wet cloth to wipe your baby’s teeth and gums after feeding them as this can wipe away the excess sugar. Give your child water afterwards to try and flush out any remaining sugars.
If you have any other concerns about your child’s oral health, consult your pediatric dentist
More can be found here: www.friedmandentalgroup.com