You only have to have the television on for a few minutes to realize that if you suffer from low testosterone you are not alone. The most current research indicates that in men over 30, one in every four will have low testosterone levels. While nearly 90% of men with low testosterone receive no treatment, those who do have found that many insurance companies will cover the necessary medications to solve this issue. If your insurance plan does not cover low testosterone treatment, you will find that many clinics and physicians treating this condition offer flexible payment plan options.
While many people dismiss low testosterone as something they do not need to treat, studies are showing that some symptoms of testosterone deficiency include:
–increased body fat,
–decreased energy leading to fatigue,
–reduced muscle mass,
–and depression.
If you could find a way to decrease your body fat, increase your energy and muscle mass and possibly treat your depression, wouldn’t you want to know your options? While some patients have concern about the pain of testosterone shots, one available treatment, instead of focusing on the question of discomfort, patients should be asking:
–Will testosterone treatment help my depression?
–Will testosterone treatment increase my libido?
In further discussion, you might also find answers to other questions you may have bout living with low testosterone and its symptoms. For example:
–How lack of energy can affect your life
–How lack of focus can affect your life
—How poor sleep can affect your life
Recent studies have even gone so far as to predict that testosterone also plays a role in how long men live. Morgentaler says, studies have shown a link between low testosterone levels and a shorter life expectancy. In fact, men with low testosterone have a 33 percent greater risk of death over their next 18 years of life compared with men who have higher levels of testosterone.
Low testosterone is a condition affects nearly 13 million men in America. Unfortunately, the symptoms are often ignored or sometimes dismissed as an unavoidable condition of “aging.” Instead of ignoring this condition, maybe it is time for you to ask your doctor, “Why is it important to keep your testosterone level in the normal range?” Since testosterone levels decrease every year after the age of 30 in the average male, you might be someone who would benefit from the most effective testosterone replacement therapy. Don’t you think it is worth a discussion at your next doctor’s visit?