For too many young people in America, sex education amounts to a very simplistic biological overview with an emphasis on abstinence, or worse, no sex ed whatsoever. It’s no wonder so many people, of all ages, will contract an STD over their lifetime. Some of these illnesses can be cured with a simple round of antibiotics, while some will stay with you forever.
As they grow up, most sexually active people learn that communication and honest is absolutely essential to a healthy sexual life. While communication is no replacement for birth control, it’s a crucial part of an adult sex life. And ultimately, honesty starts with yourself.
If you are sexually active but have never undergone an STD test, then it’s time to stop making excuses and start looking for STD testing centers near you. No matter where you live, there are almost certainly a number of STD testing centers, urgent care clinics, and possible even free STD testing clinics for you to choose from.
Remember: the Results of an STD Test Are 100% Confidential!
Preliminary HIV and Hepatitis C tests can be done in a matter of minutes, and fast STD testing is 100% confidential. In fact, doctors and nurses could face criminal charges and lose their ability to practice medicine altogether if they shared your information, even accidentally!
Depending on where you live, your local public health department or local nonprofit organizations may even organize free walk in health clinic days with free STD testing for the community. But even if you can’t find free STD testing centers, the cost of these tests are much lower than most people realize.
You Won’t Believe How Many People Get Sexually Transmitted Diseases!
We don’t say this to shock you, but there are 20 million new cases of STDs in the U.S. every year just from the eight most common viruses and bacteria. In fact, by some estimates, one in two sexually active young people will get an STD before they turn 25. No matter your age, health, or lifestyle, there’s no reason not to get tested.
So do yourself and your sexual partners a favor and get yourself tested ASAP. Wouldn’t you want your next partner to do the same?