Some cities are famous for their terrible air quality. But it is the air that is inside our homes and places of work that we need to worry about. Among the top five environmental dangers the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is indoor air pollution. Some say our indoor air quality is usually two to five times more polluted than the air we breathe outside. You might be wondering how this happened, and what you can do to fix it.
What the American Lung Association Wants You to Know About Indoor Air Quality Facts.
On their website www.lung.org, the American Lung Association says that poor indoor air quality can help cause and aggravate lung infections and diseases, such as asthma and lung cancer. Lead paint on the walls, asbestos, bacteria, and mold are all contributors to bad indoor air quality. Mold, for example, exists in more than 100,000 forms, not just the black or green variety we see on spoilt food. And it could be causing a whole host of health problems.
Is It a Little Dampness or Do You Need a Mold Inspection?
A home mold inspection can be done by a professional or with a mold inspection kit. A professional would come inspect the property, asking questions about the building’s history; observing any symptoms of mold on the premises; completing a visual inspection and a mold testing, if any is found. A damp area does not necessarily mean that there is mold, but mold does not just spontaneously grow in a bone-dry environment either.
If mold is discovered, the inspector is able to perform a mold remediation to fix the problem and clean up the indoor air quality. This entails stopping what is causing the dampness, and getting rid of the mold by cleaning and/or replacing any parts of the building ruined by the growth.
How Can I Clean Up My Home’s Air?
There are a few things you can do to immediately improve the air quality in your home. If anyone in smokes in the house, have them take it outside. Ensure food waste is contained and covered; replace the air filters regularly and as directed; vacuum regularly to pick up the pollutants we track into our homes. Check your home for damp spots, and get a mold inspection if there seems to be a problem.
Doing these things will go far in improving indoor air quality.