In many ways, your first impression has to do with your skin. Having good skin ? can improve your confidence to an amazing degree. The more confident you are, the more confidence you will inspire in others. Luckily, there are many different ways that you can have your skin made to look the way you?ve always wanted it to, in procedures that are both affordable and non-invasive. Below are a few that could help you.
1. Botox
Botox is one of the most widely-known cosmetic procedures in America, with number of procedures done rising by 8% from 2012 to 2013. The average age of Americans receiving Botox injections is 40 to 59 ? the reason why being that Botox is a great way to get erase the wrinkles that inevitably come with age. Botox injections, when done by a professional, can look surprisingly natural. Benefits of Botox include the fact that patients seeking Botox injections have a lot of control over how much Botox is injected and where, allowing them to feel comfortable with their look. Another major advantage of Botox is that it?s not permanent, with injections being administered every few weeks or months depending on the amount involved and the goals in mind. This way, if you decide that you don?t wish to continue with Botox, the effects will disappear within a short amount of time. You?re not committing to anything drastic.
2. A Chemical Peel
A chemical peel is a slightly more permanent solution to not only the wrinkles Botox aims to clear, but other skin problems as well. A peel can dramatically cut down on lines and wrinkles, as well as acne scars, dark spots, and roughness. It can be the perfect antidote for years spent in the sun, and give you skin a revitalized new look. The recovery time for a chemical peel is a bit longer than that required from Botox. Peels usually come in the forms of a ?refreshing? peel, a ?medium? peel, or a ?deep? peel. While recovery time for a refreshing peel is 1 to 7 days, that of a deep peel is 14 to 21 days. The results, however, are much more dramatic and can last longer than Botox.
3. Laser Hair Removal
The choice of whether or not laser hair removal is right for you is very personal. Some women are comfortable with their level of body hair, and that?s perfectly fine. Others are not, and women with a high amount of body hair appreciate the sense of comfort that laser hair removal provides. Laser hair removal isn?t always for dramatic results, either. Some of the best laser hair removal procedures simply involve permanently or semi-permanently removing hair on the legs and bikini area so that patients don?t have to worry about taking care of it themselves anymore. It?s all up to you!