3 Fitness Tips to Live By
Our health and fitness is incredibly important to our overall wellbeing, and yet only 20% of people now meet the CDC’s guidelines for aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity. Studies, like one done in 2012 by the British Medical Journal, have shown us that exercising regularly and eating right help women live five years longer and help…
Do You Suffer from Chronic Neck and Back Pain?
Lives can change in an instant. What starts out as a typically normal day can take a quick turn for the worst and create a completely new life with completely new challenges. Whether you have been in a car accident, a workplace accident, or a sporting accident, an injury that requires you to look for…
More than a Muscle, How Your Local Heart Center Could Save Your Life
If you were asked to draw a picture of what someone struggling with heart issues would look like, chances are certain characteristics come to mind first: overweight, elderly, smoker, unhealthy. While you may pigeonhole the type of person struck with these issues, your heart does not. Anyone and everyone can fall victim to heart problems.…