Raid of Urgent Care Clinic Uncovers Oxycodone Scheme
Oxycodone is one of the strongest, and commonly abused, prescription pain killers on the market today. It’s because of those factors combined with the potential harmful side-effects that make it one of the most regulated schedule II controlled substances in the United States, which leads to people taking serious chances getting it out to the…
Don’t Let It Happen to Your Loved Ones!
Canada recently elected new PM Justin Trudeau. Already, the new PM has issued a statement about mental health in Canada. The Trudeau government intends to make mental health a Canadian government priority. Think about this though: would you trust government bureaucracy with your mental health? Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Canada Did you know…
Are You At Risk of Having a Heart Attack?
She should have known better. She had two of the major indicators of a future heart problem. High blood pressure and high cholesterol. Instead of following the suggestions of her doctor and getting more exercise and eating a more healthy diet, she simply relied on the daily medications to control her cholesterol and blood pressure.…