Should You Rethink Your Skincare Routine?
More than half of Americans believe in medical conspiracy theories, NPR reports. At least 20% think smartphones cause cancer, and another 20% suspect that the government asks us to vaccinate young children, knowing it will cause autism. These statistics make it perfectly clear. There is a lot of misinformation about health out there, and skincare…
Urgent Care Offers Alternative to Long ER Lines
A fun day of basketball has turned into a disaster because you have rolled your ankle. You need medical attention to ensure you are not on the sidelines for a long period of time. In order to feel better quicker, consider using the services of a doctors urgent care facility. Urgent care represents the next…
Three Healthy Ways to Feel Great About Your Body
Does Facebook promote unhealthy ideas and opinions about women’s body image? Researchers in the U.S. and U.K. say yes. “More time spent on Facebook was associated with more negative feelings and more comparisons to the bodies of friends,” Psych Central reported on Friday. Improving yourself is not inherently unhealthy, but some Americans take it too…