It happens every year. Timmy joins the summer soccer league to play with his friends, even though he’s the least coordinated kid to walk the face of the earth. You don’t have the heart to break it to him, but he’s pretty awful. He’s slow, can’t understand the rules, never knows which is his team’s goal, and worst of all gets injured. Every single year. Maybe this time he got a hard kick to the knee after trying valiantly to block a goal shot. He isn’t the goalie, but he doesn’t know that. Now you’re stuck taking him to one of the local sports injury clinics once a week.
If you’re an athlete or if you have one in your family, you know how common sports injuries can be. Sprains, strains, bumps, bruises, breaks, and even serious injuries are pretty common occurrences on sports fields. If you or Timmy are in need of physical therapy, here are some things you need to know.
Athletic health care generates more than $21 billion in revenue per year, and there are more than 140,000 sports medicine physicians working at the 21,301 physical therapy clinics that exist in the United States.
Sports physical therapy exercises can help Timmy recover from his sports related injuries, illnesses, and accidents. These exercises usually include stretching, walking, core training, and weight lifting. Here’s hoping Timmy has a better year next year (or decides to pick up piano lessons) so you don’t have to spend quite so much time in physical therapy clinics.
Read more here.