When women ask their doctors, “What are the symptoms of fibroids?” they typically hear about menstrual bleeding, pelvic pressure, and lower back pain — some of the most common signs and symptoms of fibroids.
However, those aren’t the only symptoms of fibroid cysts. Many women often need to receive uterine fibroid treatments because they’re suffering from some of the other, less-well-known symptoms of fibroid cysts, such as the following.
Bladder Issues.
Sometimes, women who have large fibroids feel the urge to urinate frequently. They may even wind up waking up several times at night to go to the bathroom, and sometimes, they may not even be able to go despite having a full bladder. This is because the fibroids are pressing against the bladder, which blocks the outflow and also reduces the bladder’s capacity to hold urine.
Rectal Pressure.
Rectal pressure is, believe it or not, another of the symptoms of fibroid cysts. Depending on the size and the placement of the fibroids, the cysts may wind up pressing against the patient’s rectum, which causes the feeling of fullness, difficulty having a bowel movement, and even sometimes hemorrhoids.
Pain During Intercourse.
Fibroids can even sometimes make intercourse uncomfortable, or even cause pain during intercourse. This symptom usually only happens during specific positions or at certain points during the menstrual cycle. Though this symptom is rare, it’s incredibly serious. If you have fibroids and suffer from pain during intercourse, you need to see your doctor.
These are just a few of the less common symptoms of fibroid cysts. Though only a fraction of women with fibroids ever experience any problematic symptoms, these issues are still a possibility. If you think you may be suffering from fibroids, talk to your doctor about your treatment options. If you have any questions about the symptoms of fibroid cysts, feel free to ask in the comments. For more about this, go here.