Across the world, millions of people report living with chronic or regular pain. Whether due to arthritis, a stiff neck, or other problem, this pain can make even the simplest tasks a challenge and drain the enjoyment from your daily life. Fortunately, there are a number of pain relief products and pain management tips you can use to reduce your discomfort. Read on to learn if you find a pain remedy to use in your life!
Get Some Gentle Exercise
If you are in pain, you may feel inclined to avoid motion to prevent increasing your pain levels or causing further damage. However, exercise can generate pain-relieving endorphins, reduce stiffness, and help reduce symptoms of conditions aggravated by weight gain, such as arthritis. However, to use exercise as a pain management technique, it is important to follow certain steps: make sure you stretch before and after exercising, focus on gentler activities like swimming and walking, and increase your activity level gradually.
Breathe Right
When you experience intense pain, it may seem easier to take rapid, shallow breaths. Unfortunately, this will only increase feelings of dizziness, anxiety and panic. Instead, try taking slow, deep breaths, which will help you feel in control, keep you relaxed, and prevent muscle tension that can lead to additional muscle pain.
Distract Yourself
This may be a challenge, but allowing yourself to get sucked into something stimulating but relaxing can help you reduce the mental burden of pain. Try reading, photography, painting, sewing, knitting, anything that interests you that you can do without undue discomfort.
Many people with chronic pain dread sleeping as this is when their pain is at its worst. However, many doctors say that sticking to as normal a sleep schedule as possible is an important pain management technique: sleep deprivation can make pain worse. To prevent sleep problems, go to bed at the same time every night, get up at a regular time in the morning, and take naps if necessary. If you are still having sleep problems, talk to your doctor.
Relax and Meditate
While some people may believe that this step is not for them, research shows that relaxation techniques can be an effective pain management tool. Fortunately, you don’t need to learn complicated yoga poses to practice this method unless you want to: common approaches include breathing exercises and basic meditation. Ask your doctor about local classes or research relaxation groups in your area.
Do you have chronic pain? What steps do you take to treat it? Tell us about it in the comments below!