Sometimes problems start small. A few Friday nights out with friends after bowling lead to a few more nights out during the week. The week nights out then become more common than the nights at home. The few beers turn into many beers. The increased drinking leads to first one and then a second DWI arrest, resulting in a six month loss of a driver’s license. The one good thing that came from the increased addiction to alcohol were the court ordered alcohol addiction treatment options that would limit the license suspension to six instead of 12 months.
While not all alcohol or other substance abuse problems come on in the same way, if your loved one is the person suffering, the need for a reliable and effective treatment is very important. Whether the drug or alcohol abuse has grown into a problem over a lifetime, or whether it is a situation that grew out of control quickly, the real issue is finding the best alcohol and drug rehab support.
Why Is Rehabilitation Treatment So Important?
Consider the following frightening statistics that indicate the necessity of drug or alcohol addiction treatment options:
- Nearly 70% of mental health problems, which can lead to some type of chemical addiction, have their onset during childhood or adolescent years.
- Nearly 20% of Canadians are victims of mental health or addiction problems every single year.
- Females who are addicted to either alcohol or another substance are nearly 54% more likely to die prematurely because of their addiction.
- The poulation aged 15 to 24 are far more likely to experience mental illness than any other age group. This demographic is also much more likely to be victims of substance use disorders than other age groups.
- Substance abuse accounts for nearly 47,000 Canadian deaths a year.
- The Canadian healthcare system spends nearly $8 billion a year on problems caused by substance abuse.
While all of these numbers are alarming, they pale in comparison to the stress a single family member with an addiction problem can have on a family. Whether the addict is a father, a mother, a son, a daughter, or a sibling, the need for alcohol addiction treatment options is real. In fact, without proper alcohol addiction treatment options many families will simply not survive. In addition to the individual struggle an addict endures, family members and friends of the addict can have emotional complications resulting from guilt and stress.
With treatment, however, many addicts and their family and friends can return to a healthy life. Whether it is an art therapy session at a residential treatment center for a young teenager, or a twice daily therapeutic counseling session for an adult, many drug rehab centers can successfully help victims break their cycles of addiction.
Are You Willing to Pay Whatever It Takes to Help Your Loved One?
The very best treatment centers will be able to explain a detailed plan for treating addiction. Individualized according to the user, the most effective treatments are as varied as the victims themselves. While one alcohol addict may find success in a short six month stay, another may require a much longer rehabilitation plan. While some insurance plans may cover some types of treatment, individual families often have to be willing to cover the costs of more extensive, but expensive, programs. Just as the national or worldwide statistics of drug or alcohol abuse may not matter as much as the single story of your loved one, the cost of the treatment may not matter as much as the success of the program. It is, in fact, difficult to put a price on saving the life of a son or a daughter.
Every Story Is Different and Unequally Tragic
If you refuse to let your loved one, whether it be a son, daughter, husband, wife, parent, or sibling, become a faceless victim of chemical abuse, you have decided to value the person over the addiction. Whether you are seeking treatment for a young teenage daughter who quickly developed a drug problem, or an 80-year-old father who has drank his entire life, the only answer is the very best treatment option. Are you willing to find this program? This hope? This life saving treatment?