How Unconscious Bias Influences Fair and Impartial Treatment – Source and Resource

frequently hinders us from making an impartial and fair judgement. Although unconscious bias does not mean we are bad people We should try to learn to be aware of how your life experiences affect the way we make decisions as well as our capacity to be fair and impartial to everyone.
Unconscious bias has the potential to negatively impact our lives as professionals. They affect the decisions we make and the actions we take, for example who we employ or dismiss, the way we communicate and interact with individuals of a different race, religion, or social class, how we deal when faced with issues perform performance appraisals or even consider the advice that is given to us.
Unconscious bias makes us favor an elite group of people that can result in complaints or working conflicts that hinder development. An organization could be sued for discrimination if it is not dealt with. It could force the company to agree to a massive settlement against the accusation if an equality commission finds an element of merit to the claims.
Take a look at the video below to get a visual representation of how unconscious bias impacts your fair and impartial treatment at work. aptpfe72cy.

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