Author: admin

  • 3 Reasons Getting Rid of Lice Should be Left to Professionals

    Head lice is a pretty common personal condition. It’s an annoyance for sure, but certainly not very serious or life-threatening. Contracting head lice can be incredibly easy. For example, sharing combs and brushes with someone who has it can be a sure fire way to wind up with it yourself. If you are going to…

  • Why Are Medical Supplemental Health Insurance Plans So Important?

    Having a supplemental health insurance plan is important for individuals who receive their health coverage through Medicare — in many cases, the supplemental health care policy is just as important as the primary Medicare policy! Here are just a few reasons why more people are starting to purchase Medicare supplement insurance plans after purchasing Medicare:…

  • Save Your Small Business Time, Money and Talent

    When asked the reasons they stay with their current employer, 50% of employees cited employee benefits as a key determinant in their decision. Benefits packages can be the deal maker or breaker when it comes to recruiting and retaining talent, particularly for small business owners, who may struggle to match what larger companies with are…