Author: admin

  • Fast, Affordable, Convenient Healthcare What More Could You Ask For?

    If you are sick, there is an alternative to waiting for hours in the emergency room for help, or playing phone tag with your doctor’s secretary. You can always head to the nearest urgent care center to get immediate, convenient care. There are about 9,000 of these centers in the U.S., and many more in…

  • The Affordable Alternative to Emergency Rooms

    Urgent care centers represent one of the fastest growing segments in the medical care industry. At the end of 2012, there were nearly 130,000 Americans working in urgent care facilities. Sometimes referred to as “immediate care” facilities, urgent cares offer the public a faster and more affordable emergency care option than hospital emergency rooms. Although…

  • Three Reasons Why Women Choose to Get Breast Implants

    Approximately 75% of women believe that their breast augmentation surgery was “worth it.” But what, exactly, makes the surgery worth it? After all, having breast implants comes at the average cost of $6,500, and even though it’s a minor surgery, it’s still a surgery. If you are considering getting the surgery, or are just curious…