Are You Afraid That Low Testosterone Levels are Keeping you From Living a Full Life?
You only have to have the television on for a few minutes to realize that if you suffer from low testosterone you are not alone. The most current research indicates that in men over 30, one in every four will have low testosterone levels. While nearly 90% of men with low testosterone receive no treatment,…
5 Important Tips For Finding the Best Rated Dermatologist
Many adults and teenagers have suffered from issues such as acne and scarring. It can be a very uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing issue to deal with. By the time teenagers are in their mid teens, most teenagers have experienced some form of acne or scarring. Up to 40% of teenagers have to deal with this.…
Benign Uterine Fibroids are Detectable and Treatable With Innovative New Technology
What are the symptoms of fibroids? It’s something we don’t discuss with our husbands, or our children. We’re all so close, but they just wouldn’t understand. Heavy menstrual bleeding (periods) accompanied by constipation, lower abdomen pain, pain during intimacy, and problems using the restroom can be signs and symptoms of fibroids. These benign (non-cancerous) uterine…