Month: December 2014

  • Eye Conditions Lurking For More than 30 Million Americans

    Does it terrify you to know that only half of the estimated 61 million Americans who are at high risk for extreme vision loss have seen their eye doctor in the last year? You could be one of those 30.5 million who so sorely need to go see their optometrist. There are all kinds of…

  • Four Interesting Host or Hostess Gifts

    Holiday parties are a great excuse to spend time with friends and take a break from all of the shopping, wrapping, and planning that normally fills up the season. Unfortunately, with all of the rushing around you are probably doing, it can be difficult to take a moment out to find a unique, useful item…

  • 3 Reasons to Enroll in a Medical Weight Loss Program

    Two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese. If you’re among them, losing weight can be a tough goal. But it can also be one of the healthiest and most rewarding choices you’ll ever make. What’s the best way to lose weight? There are so many diets, exercise plans, pills and supplements on the market…